- Origin of Quantum Physics
- Wave function
- Collapse of Wave Function
- Physically Accepted Wave function
- Normalization Explained
- Method of Normalization
- Orthogonality & Orthonormality
- Hilbert Space
- Quantization Rules
- Operator Formalism
- Commutator Bracket
- Linear Operator
- Hermitian Operator
- Projection Operator
- Unitary Operator
- Parity Operator
- Expectation Value
- Schrodinger Equation
- Wave-Particle Duality Using Schrodinger Equation
- Superposition of States
- Various Representations of Wave Function
- Probability Current Density
- Uncertainty in Operators
- Shortcut for Calculating Momentum Expectation Value
Not only in quantum mechanics but normalization procedure is also used in so many fields. So, in general, it is a mathematical procedure used to scale values to a common range or standardize them in a particular way. It is because it ensures that the total probability of finding the particle in all possible states is equal to 1. By normalizing the wave function, we ensure that the probabilities associated with different states of a system are properly defined and consistent. Mathematically, the normalization condition is expressed as the integral of the square magnitude of the wave function over all possible states, which must be equal to 1. This condition is expressed as: $\int |\psi(x)|^{2}$ dx = 1 where ψ(x) is the wave function, $|ψ(x)|^{2}$ represents the probability density, and the integral is taken over all possible values of the variable x (which could represent position, momentum, etc.).What is normalization?
Why is it necessary to normalize a wavefunction?
In other words, we can say that,Normalization Condition