Fortran Programming
- Introduction to Fortran
- Syntax in Fortran
- Keywords and Identifiers
- Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Executable and Non Executable Statement
- Comments & Block Comments
- Variables and Data Types
- READ(*,*) & WRITE(*,*) Statement
- Implicit None Statement
- Void Pointer
Syntax & Functions
- Arrays
- Array Indexing
- Nested If Block
- Nested Do Block
- Select Case Construct
- Cycle & Exit Statement
- Radian to Degree
- ALLOCATE (Dynamic Memory for Array)
- Absolute Value
- LOG, LOG2, LOG10
- ALog ā Archaic form of LOG()
- ATAN2() ā Arctangent of the Ratio
- Trignometry Functions
- Double Precision (2 Methods)
- Generate Random Number
- Implementing linspace (Equally Spaced Values)
- BTEST Function Explained
- Bessel Function of Order ānā
- File Read and Write
- Plotting Using gnuplot