- Origin of Quantum Physics
- Wave function
- Collapse of Wave Function
- Physically Accepted Wave function
- Normalization Explained
- Method of Normalization
- Orthogonality & Orthonormality
- Hilbert Space
- Quantization Rules
- Operator Formalism
- Commutator Bracket
- Linear Operator
- Hermitian Operator
- Projection Operator
- Unitary Operator
- Parity Operator
- Expectation Value
- Schrodinger Equation
- Wave-Particle Duality Using Schrodinger Equation
- Superposition of States
- Various Representations of Wave Function
- Probability Current Density
- Uncertainty in Operators
- Shortcut for Calculating Momentum Expectation Value
A wavefunction is a mathematical quantity that represents the state of a quantum mechanical such as an electron or a photon. It is represented by: $\psi$ In other words, Let’s imagine you have a particle that’s dancing to a rhythm, and its dance moves are described by something called a wave function. It provides information of different outcomes of measurements of that system. And that information is in the form of probabilities, as shown below: As $\psi$ is a complex quantity, thus only $|\psi|^{2}$ has a physical significance. Where, $|\psi|^{2}= \psi*\psi$ Position Probability Density: $|\psi(x,t)|^{2}$ is called “position probability density”, i.e. probability of finding the particle at position ‘x’ at time ‘t’. Probability of Finding the Particle in a Region: $|\psi(x,t)|^{2}dx$, this quantity represents “probability of finding the particle in a region of space” lies between ‘x’ to ‘x+dx’ at time ‘t’. The probability of finding the particle in a region of space lies between $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ at time ‘t’ is calculated by the following integral: $\intop_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}|\psi(x,t)|^{2}dx$ And in whole space (from +$\infty$ to -$\infty$): $\intop_{-\infty}^{+\infty}|\psi(x,t)|^{2}dx$What a wave function can do?